There are innumerable tips and suggestions. It’s just that it is easily said than done. But if these tips and suggestions were followed to some extent, we could actually crack the Boards and score well.
a. Sleep well, atleast 6 to 8 hours
b. Write every answer on paper! Practice learning by writing. It makes a lot of difference. Do not simply read aloud and answer orally but write.
c. In addition, make notes. These notes can be skimmed through just before we enter the examination hall. We can just brush through these notes for a quick recollection of the important points.
I know exactly what runs in the minds of the students taking up the Board Exams (atleast most of the time). They have to remember everything!! Apart from their academic preparation, they need to remember to carry their admit card (hall ticket) and required stationary.
Added to this, the Boards come up with unexpected question papers in order to prove their subject competence and expertise. I wonder, who they are trying to impress — the students, teachers or the parents?!?
Besides the prescribed content book (text-book), the students refer innumerable recommended/guided books for preparation. Inspite of which, the question papers are tough to score a centum. So, whom are we evaluating? Are we trying to assess the intelligent, the brilliant or the gifted? Or are we trying to show-off our intelligence/brilliance in our subject by setting up question papers that are not meant to test the average student but the brilliant who can try but will not score a centum?
Whom are we testing?
Let’s make one thing very clear. CBSE Board Exams must facilitate learning to see to it that all learn equally.
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